- antitrades
- антипассат
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
antitrades — [an′ti trādz΄, an′tītrādz΄] pl.n. winds moving above and opposite to the tropical trade winds: as they reach the Temperate Zones, they descend to the surface, forming a deep layer of prevailing westerlies * * * … Universalium
antitrades — [an′ti trādz΄, an′tītrādz΄] pl.n. winds moving above and opposite to the tropical trade winds: as they reach the Temperate Zones, they descend to the surface, forming a deep layer of prevailing westerlies … English World dictionary
antitrades — n. wind blowing steadily from east to west and lying above the trade winds … English contemporary dictionary
antitrades — an·ti·trades … English syllables
antitrades — n. westerly winds prevailing beyond 40°N and S, westerly winds of upper air above trade winds … Dictionary of difficult words
antitrades — n.pl. winds that blow in the opposite direction to (and usu. above) a trade wind … Useful english dictionary
АНТИПАССАТЫ — (Antitrades) воздушные течения в верхних слоях атмосферы в полосе между экватором и широтами 30° сев. и 30° южн.; в сев. полушарии направлены от SW, в южн. от NW. См. Пассаты. Самойлов К. И. Морской словарь. М. Л.: Государственное Военно морское… … Морской словарь
antitrade — /an ti trayd /, n. 1. antitrades, westerly winds lying above the trade winds in the tropics. adj. 2. noting or pertaining to such a wind. [1850 55; ANTI + TRADE] * * * … Universalium
doldrums — Synonyms and related words: anticyclone, antitrades, apathy, blahs, blue devils, blues, boredom, calm, cold storage, dead calm, deathlike calm, dejection, depression, disinterest, dismals, dolefuls, dormancy, dumps, ennui, flat calm, gloom, horse … Moby Thesaurus
horse latitudes — Synonyms and related words: Antarctic Zone, Arctic Circle, Arctic Zone, Frigid Zones, Torrid Zone, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Variable Zones, anticyclone, antitrades, calm, climate, clime, dead calm, deathlike calm, doldrums, equator … Moby Thesaurus
antitrade — an•ti•trade [[t]ˈæn tɪˌtreɪd[/t]] n. 1) mer antitrades, westerly winds lying above the trade winds in the tropics 2) mer of, pertaining to, or characteristic of such a wind • Etymology: 1850–55 … From formal English to slang